# Feed

# Filter bar

Hides filter bar in feed, search and related videos

# Hide keyword content

Hides home videos, search videos and subscription videos using keyword filter

# Enable wide search bar

Adds an option to replace the search icon with a wide search bar. This will hide the YouTube logo when active.

# Hide album cards

Hides the album cards below the artist description.

# Hide artist cards

Hides the artist cards.

# Hide community posts

Hides community posts on the homepage tab & also from subscriptions feed.

# Hide compact banner


I don't find anything about it.

# Hide crowdfunding box

Hides the crowdfunding box between the player and video description.

# Hide feed surveys

Hides survey on the homepage and subscription feed

# Hide 'For you' shelf in channel page

Hides 'For you' shelf from channel page

# Hide horizontal shelves

Hides Breaking news Continue watching Explore more channels Shopping Watch it again shelves.

# Hide image shelf in search result

Hides image shelves from search result.

# Hide latest posts

Hides latest posts panels from feed

# Hide mix playlists

Removes mix playlists from home feed and video player

# Hide movies section

Hides movies shelf from search

# Hide 'Notify me' button

Hides 'Notify me' button under video

# Hide 'People also watched' recommendations

Hides 'People also watched' video recommendations from feed

# Hide Playables

Hides playables from feed

# Hide search result shelf header

Hides header from search result shelves.

# Hide 'Show More' button

Hides ............