# Fullscreen

# Disable ambient mode in fullscreen

Disables ambient mode while watching video in fullscreen.

# Hide autoplay preview container

Hides the autoplay preview container in the fullscreen.

# Hide end screen overlay

Hides end screen overlay when swiping up while in fullscreen and at the end of videos.

# Hide fullscreen panels

Hides video description and comments panel in fullscreen view.

💡 When fullscreen panels are hidden, you can how the title only with Show fullscreen title setting.

# Quick actions

# Hide quick actions container

Adds the options to hide quick actions components in the fullscreen.

💡 You can hide Comment, Dislike, Like, Live chat, More, Open mix playlist button, Open playlist button, Related videos in quick actions, Save to playlist button, Share button separately

# Experimental Flags

# Enable compact controls overlay

Compact all control overlay in fullscressn.