# Miscellaneous

# Bypass ambient mode restrictions

Bypass ambient mode restrictions in battery saver mode.

# Disable ambient mode

Always disable ambient mode for all videos.

# Double back timeout

Set the number of seconds the double press back to exit.

# Enable external browser

Open URL outside the app in an external browser.

# Enable language switch

Add in-app language switch toggle.

# Enable new splash screen

Enabled the new splash screen (android 12+) tested by google.

# Enable open links directly

Skips over redirection URLs to external links.

# Import / export setting

Options to Export Import ReVanced Extended Settings.

# Open default app settings

It allows you to set YouTube ReVanced Extended as default to open YouTube Links from anywhere.

# Open microG

Settings to Access MicroG Settings from YT directly.

# Experimental Flags

# Disable QUIC protocol

Disable CronetEngine's QUIC protocol. Read More: https://t.me/ReVancedBuildMMT/56259

# Enable opus codec

Apply Opus codec instead of mp4a audio codec.

# Enable phone layout

Tricks the Tablet dpi to use some phone layout. (Community posts & Hide mix playlist will be available on tablet)

# Enable tablet layout

Tricks your phone dpi to change some layouts to Tablet layout (Community posts will not be available)

# Enable video codec

Forces the video codec for videos. (You can choose between vp9 codec or HDR codec)

# Spoof app version

Spoof YouTube version to any old version to access some old features.

💡 Using Edit spoof app version, you can manually type any app version

# Spoof device dimensions

Spoofs the device dimensions in order to unlock higher video qualities that may not be available on your device.

# Spoof players parameter

Spoofs player parameters to prevent playback issues. You can also change Spoof player parameter type inside same settings. There are two types of Parameter. 1. Player parameters of shorts, 2. Player parameters of incognito mode. Try another if one doesn't work for you.

💡 Don't forget to read side effects

# Spoof player parameter in feed

Spoof player parameter only for feed videos to prevent feed video buffering at 1 minute. 💡 Don't forget to read the known issues when enabling it.