# Player

# Custom player overlay opacity

Change the opacity of the player background, when player controls are visible. You can set the opacity between 0-100, where 0 is transparent & 100 is solid.

# Custom speed overlay

Customize 'Play at 2x speed' while holding down.

# Hide audio track button

Hide the audio track button shown in the video player.

# Hide autoplay button

Hides the captions button in the video player.

# Hide captions button

Hides the captions button in the video player.

# Hide cast button

Hides the cast button in the video player.

# Hide channel watermark

Hides the channel watermark in the video player.

# Hide collapse button

Hides the collapse button in the video player.

# Hide end screen cards

Hides the suggested video cards at the end of a video.

# Hide info cards

Hides info-cards in videos.

# Hide player button background

Hides dark filter layer from player button.

# Hide previous & next button

Hides the previous and next button in the player controller.

# Hide seek message

Hides the 'Slide left or right to seek' message container.

# Hide seek undo message

Hides the 'release to cancel' message container.

# Hide suggested actions

Hide the suggested actions bar inside the player.

# Hide YouYube Music button

Hides the YouTube Music button in the video player.

# Experimental Flags

# Hide film strip overlay

Hide flimstrip overlay on swipe controls.

# Hide suggested video overlay

Hides up next suggested overlay from video player.

# Haptic feedback

# Disable haptic feedback in various situation

Disables haptic feed from below functionalities.

💡 You can disable Chapters haptic feedback, Scrubbing haptic feedback, Seek haptic feedback, Zoom haptic feedback separately